Think you can’t move pain-free ever again?

Go ahead. Try me.


Give me 1 hour and I'll give you...

A head-to-toe body assessment that will uncover all the ways that you are moving that are actually causing you pain. 

From there, I’ll develop a fully custom treatment plan that finally gets you out of pain and keeps you out of pain for good.


“...10 years of back pain, gone after a few months [of working with Johdi] and has never come back since (it’s been 3 years).”

- Renata

Book your Full Body Assessment Now

“When your body hurts all the time - it’s exhausting and debilitating. Your life suffers.” 


You move with fear and trepidation, and from the moment you open your eyes, you feel into all the parts of you that hurt, and that’s before you’ve started to walk the gauntlet that is the distance from your bed to the bloody loo!


And, to add insult to injury, every practitioner you’ve seen so far, has not only NOT helped you get healed, but instead, has also given you a laundry list of aaaaalllll the things you shouldn’t do anymore because they make the pain worse


So now you’re even more frustrated, and growing more fearful by the day that this is it; your small, sedentary life forever ever more. …

And you’re not alone.

Clients come to me all the time, having already spent years cycling through the usual treatments, like:  

  • Physiotherapy

  • chiropractic treatments

  • cortisone injections

  • specialized insoles

 All of which do a decent job of taking the edge off…temporarily. 

“It’s a relief during the half hour or hour that you’re in a session with [the physiotherapist] but the pain would always come back after or it would appear in a different spot” 

- Caroline

And that's because most practitioners don't take into account...


...the fact that this pain didn’t start with your shoulder, even though your shoulder is where you’re feeling the pain, nor did it start with the painful neck that you’ve now been to see 3 different people about. It probably started with that innocuous ankle sprain that you sustained in 1922 … or thereabouts that nobody thought anything of, but that’s now led us to where you are today.

Because your pain is chronic, so you won’t get any lasting solution by treating you where you physically feel it hurting.


To finally get relief, you need to get treated where movement patterns originate and that, my friend, is in your brain! 

There's a part of our brain called the motor control centre that governs how our body moves  

When you sustain an injury...


Let’s say for example, you injure your back gardening. Now your back isn’t able to move as it should. That’s when the motor control centre kicks in by helping us find another way of moving that allows us to go on with our day-to-day while also protecting your back as it heals. This is how your body compensates for the injury.


When your injury finally heals, this compensatory way of moving continues to stick around because our brain now believes this new way of moving is normal when in reality, it’s not how our bodies are designed to move. 


Over time, this improper way of moving causes some muscles to overwork and others to under work leading to strain, stiffness and ultimately, chronic pain.


It’s why the traditional treatments you’ve been prescribed up until now don’t work and your pain keeps coming back. These traditional treatments are actually keeping you stuck in a cycle of never ending pain because they’re only only treating you where you physically hurt (your symptoms). None of them address the real underlying issue - the fact that your body is not moving as it was designed to move (the source). 


But now there’s a way to treat your chronic pain at the source which will eliminate it for good. It’s called Neurokinetic Therapy and it works by retraining the motor control centre to move your body properly again. Neurokinetic Therapy is the main technique that I use to treat my patients so successfully and all my treatment plans start with a full body assessment so that I can develop a custom strategy specific for you: 

“If you’re 40+, experiencing aches and pains and thinking ‘I’m never going to be fit again, I’m never going to be able to run with my kids’ [you] definitely need to check-in with Johdi because [she] will get you out of this vicious cycle.” 

- Masha

Book your Full Body Assessment Now

Hi, I’m Johdi, a Restorative Movement Specialist who has helped countless clients finally get out of and stay out of decades-long pain for good.

Through the full body assessment, I look at how you stand, walk, breath, stabilise and mobilise to identify all the improper movement patterns your motor control centre has learned over the course of your life that is currently causing you pain. 


From there, I develop a fully custom treatment plan to retrain your motor control centre to move your body as it was naturally designed, allowing you to finally move confidently, freely and without pain for good. 

"Johdi gave me my hope back and helped me sign back into my life"

- Giavanni

Book your Full Body Assessment Now

Because no, your core is not weak, you’re not too old, too broken, or too lazy to get fixed! No, you don’t need surgery, a new mattress, another pair of custom insoles, or a set of morning stretching exercises. 

What you need is to uncover the root cause of your pain so you can finally have clarity on what's creating your body pain, and what you can do to fix it, once-and-for-all!

The Full Body Assessment is a 1-hour, hands-on session with me in my studio in Gland

The cost for the assessment is CHF300.


Here’s what’s included and how it works:

1. Getting to know you

I start with a full patient history and unlike other practitioners you may have worked with, I dig DEEP, asking about your medical history as far back as childhood even. Because the chronic pain you feel now doesn’t just develop from recent injuries - it can also stem from trauma from many years ago, poor posture developed over time, repetitive movements in your day-to-day, emotional stress, child birth etc. All of these events can trigger your body to develop improper, compensatory movement patterns that eventually lead to chronic pain.


2. Analyzing how you currently move

We’ll then move into the following assessments:

  • Posture alignment assessment
  • Gait assessment 
  • Breathing assessment 
  • Spinal mobility assessment 

These detailed evaluations give me a holistic understanding of how your body moves, where imbalances lie, the compensatory movement patterns that have developed, and the areas we need to target for correction to restore your mobility.


3. Putting together a plan

Based on my findings from your patient history and how your body is currently moving, I identify all the different movement patterns that are the root causes of your pain and put together a proposed treatment plan for how we can treat it at the source and finally get you out of pain for good. I also share a few strategies you can implement right away to help you get started!


4. Continuing support (optional)

Following your full body assessment and after you've gotten a taste of what it's like to work with me, you have the option to add on two treatment sessions as part of my introductory package.

During these two sessions, we start to work on the areas I uncovered during the assessment. These sessions are private and fully customized to your needs. They include a combination of manual therapy techniques, corrective exercises, and movement re-education to re-train your motor control center and restore proper movement patterns. 

To amplify your results, you’ll also get custom-built video tutorials with personalized exercises to get your body moving properly again in between sessions. These exercises are tailored to your body’s specific movement patterns and take roughly 5-10 minutes to do. 

And because I want this process to be as supportive as possible, we keep in touch constantly throughout the process over WhatsApp.  


This introductory package is only available to new patients after they’ve undergone the full body assessment. If you decide to add it on following the assessment, I’ll credit the CHF300 you invested in your assessment towards the cost of the introductory package.

"I’ve been in pain for over 20 years and tried all sorts of therapies with little or no result...with Johdi’s unique approach, I go for hikes again, I dance again, and I go swimming 3 times a week. All of this has not been possible before."


Book Now!

Here’s the kind of results you can expect when you work with me




Verena came to me with a very painful left side of her body, from the arm to the hip which meant that she was no longer able to walk without pain, let alone go back to hiking and running. And, as a busy nurse in a huge university hospital, who works busy days walking the long corridors and wheeling hospital beds around, this situation was far from ideal.


How did I treat her?

I progressively peeled back years of compensation patterns around her pelvis, leg and ankle. We also worked on rewiring the way she walked, revamping her breathing patterns to calm her nervous system and introducing simple movement sequences so that she could retrain her body back to a healthier fitness and strength baseline again.


What were the results?

Despite her initial skepticism which was based on her being part of the medical community and being unaware of my techniques, as well as the fact that a Facebook ad had led her to me (some of us are very wary of buying things off the internet), she got great results! 

As she says, I helped her to trust her body again, and believe that the pain signals were real and valid and abnormal, despite so many others downplaying her symptoms and making her feel like she was losing her mind, as well as her mobility!

“For me, going through these sessions was not only treating my pain, but it was also a moment for myself, it was really holistic… Now I feel much, much, much, muuuuch better… I’m skiing again and running again and I’m not thinking about being in pain. It’s really great!”

Book your Full Body Assessment Now!




Debbie was suffering from the dreaded Frozen Shoulder. I say dreaded because we’re told that there’s not much that can be done about this that we have to sit and wait and suck it up as it tends to spontaneously resolve itself. We also know that it can be linked to hormone changes around Peri or Menopause and so, whilst our hormones are out of whack, our body will pay the price! 


How did I treat her?

I looked at Debbie as a whole, not as a middle aged woman with a sore shoulder and noticed that her abdominals were pulling her off centre, which was forcing her body to rotate, and whilst that was going on, her shoulder, which should just swing back and forth on her side didn’t really have much chance to move well. So I actually began by treating her abdominals, and her neck to get her body aligned again, which made a nice difference to her shoulder, and then began to unpick the tensions and distortions in and around her shoulder and arm


What were the results?

Debbie’s now back to swimming, and cycling which has made a world of difference to her mood and mental wellbeing. Whilst she still feels restrictions in her shoulder, it’s not stopping her from weekly Pilates classes, and she has tailored exercises to keep herself moving, without worrying that the shoulder will freeze again.

“Just go and see Johdi! She knows her stuff, doesn’t mess around and is determined to make you better!”

Ready to finally uncover the root cause of your chronic pain and fix it for good, like Verena and Debbie?

Yes, let's do this!

I take a rebellious, counter-intuitive approach to the traditional methods you likely have tried up to now.


As different as my methods may seem, they are still deeply rooted in science. And I can understand that you have  questions. Here are some that I commonly get asked:


Book your Full Body Assessment Now!

Hear for yourself what my clients have to say about their experience


Hear how she got her hope for the future back!


Hear how she finally got rid of her chronic pain!


"You won't find anything else like this!"


"A genuine desire to uncover the root cause."


"Lasting results that are life-altering!"


"I was in so much pain I was afraid to drive."

Let's get started!

Have a question you'd love to ask before booking? 

Book a Preliminary Consult and Let's Chat!