What if you could help your body feel better during lockdown?

Here's a way you can protect your body from feeling aches and pains due to makeshift offices and desks.

As An Employee Who May Be Working Remotely Under "Confinement"...

Maybe you've had to be exceptionally agile under the current circumstances and continue to perform at your best capacity in less than ideal settings.

Maybe you're looking for an innovative and dynamic way to keep your morale up during this trying time.

Maybe you're having to work from coffee tables or your kid's desk and it's taking a toll on your back, neck, shoulders...

But how can you help yourself feel better both physically and mentally?

Well, that's what I'm here for!

I can beam essential ergodynamics lessons (as well as my sparkling personality) straight into your home as you've suddenly had to go on lockdown but keep working.

I've put together a simple and easy - to - use kit that does exactly that!

I don't need to point out that we're living through exceptional times and circumstances.

Your wellbeing means more now than ever before.

If you're ready to help yourself feel physically better during lockdown I am here to help you!

What if you could...

  • Maintain your motivation and morale during this time of high stress and uncertainty?
  • Mitigate your back, neck and shoulder pain.
  • Escape from your confined monotony for a small moment daily
  • Improve your posture simply and effectively
  • Learn how to protect your joints without any special props or equipment
  • Build resilience through a stronger, healthier body and mind
  • Learn movements that will keep you fit, healthy and strong for life
  • Practice dynamic relaxation techniques that can reduce your stress levels

All of this packed inside of a platform that is simple and easy to use. All you need is an internet connection.

Who could have predicted the situation we're in 6 months ago?

Yet, here we all are, trying to do the very best we can and looking forward to the day we can all get "back to normal".

You no longer need to make your way down or up to Meeting Room number 3 at least once or twice a day.

Gone are the short trips to the coffee machine, or the walks to your favourite lunch café across the road.

And sessions at the office gym feel like a distant memory!

Now, and for some time to come, we are stuck at home operating as best we can from makeshift office spaces that are a far from what we’re used to. 

It's very likely that you're feeling the effects in your body.

Feeling stiffer than usual, with neck aches, a back that's painful, and shoulders that are sore too! 

Hunched over computers in awkward positions, and sitting way more than you would during a normal work day.

Moving less than usual and wondering how the heck you’re going to feel on the other side of this lockdown.

Wouldn't You Love A Way To Feel Better While Being Proactive?

Welcome to The Body Rescue Kit

An easy-to-use, on demand tool kit of short and effective exercises especially developed for YOU right now!


  • 8 simple movement sequences that you can do wherever you are, no fancy equipment needed.

  • Easy to incorporate into your day instantly as you work remotely and will provide you with relief for aching backs, or nagging necks and shoulders.

  • Accessible to anyone with a computer, you can do all of these moves in a small space without breaking a sweat.

  • Fast. From start to finish you'll only need 10 minutes max.

  • 100% online and virtual!

"Thank you for this morning's class! I feel so much better. Maybe also just the "outside" contact helps too!

- Rina



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Easy ergonomics - How to sit properly (even on a wonky chair)

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How to strengthen your core to protect your back, neck and shoulders

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The best 5 moves to do when you start your day

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How to relieve your stiff neck and shoulders

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Do these moves when you've been sitting for a long time.

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How to relieve your sore back

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How to reset your spine and mind

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The best 5 moves to do when you end your day

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And Of Course... It's All Fully Accessible on Any Device - PC's, Mac, Tablets, Phones...

  • All videos are pre-recorded
  • All videos in fully accessible via a self-service hub
  • All sequences are 10 minutes or under from start to finish
  • All videos are in clear English and high res quality

"Johdi is the best!! She is always full of energy, always positive and always happy! She is a very informed Pilates instructor. I personally believe that Pilates is a miracle exercise. I highly recommend Little Bird!"

- Linda 

Are You Ready To Support Yourself In This Simple And Powerful Way? Just Click The Button To Get Started Today.

One Time Payment of ONLY $47

The Body Rescue Kit

Available Instantly!

  • The Body Rescue Kit - The 8 Essential Movement Sequences (Listed On This Page)
  • Full Access To The Online Portal

The Body Rescue Kit is perfect for you even if you...

  • Don't have very much room to exercise at home - you can do all of these moves in a small space!
  • Aren't "athletic", any level of fitness will benefit, no prior experience is needed, no specialized equipment is necessary.
  • Feel overwhelmed with kids home from school, trying to get work done, and all of the extra worry that's inevitable at this time. With my curated sequences that anybody can do with any level of fitness, in 12 minutes or less you will start to feel better. Movement has long been associated with positive mental health, I've found that to be true for myself and all the clients I've trained over the years.

I'll GUIDE you, I'll INSTRUCT you, I'll hold your hand and give you the support you so much deserve during this crisis. Something to look forward to that will help you be and feel proactive and take back some control of your life, body and wellbeing.

Hi, I’m Johdi! 

I'm here to motivate, uplift, encourage you. I know how powerful and important healthy movement is and how to help people alleviate the roots of their aches and pains.

I know what it feels like when your body breaks down... what it feels like when your body simply stops cooperating. When it’s in so much pain that it’s impossible to do the things you once enjoyed.

Which is why I don’t take any of this well being stuff lightly. It’s my passion, my way of being, my key to living consciously, as well as my path to freedom and resilience.

And I’m currently on lockdown with my 3 young children, and my husband. I’m still running Pilates classes virtually, so I’m good, but my poor hubby had developed many aches and pains. 

He’s temporarily set himself up in our oldest child’s office to get his work done in peace and quiet, and he’s feeling the effects of a desk and chair that are built for a 11 year-old, not a 41 year-old.

With some great input from him and with more than 10 years of experience of helping people move efficiently under my belt, I have curated the easiest and most efficient moves that anybody can do.

You will immediately start to feel less stiff in your neck and shoulders, your back pain will begin to subside, you’ll actually start to improve your posture resulting in a sleeker, more slender silhouette.

Pilates Membership

"Having suffered from a dodgy back for years I began with Little Bird as a gentle form of low impact exercise. My back and core muscles strengthened over the weeks and my back pain was much improved. My body has not been stronger, more supple, less creaky and painful for years! Johdi makes sessions interesting and challenging. Even advanced sessions remain low impact and are leading me to a more toned stomach than a middle-aged woman should have! A complete convert!"

- Mel

Are You Ready To Support Yourself In This Simple And Powerful Way? Just Click The Button To Get Started Today.

One Time Payment of ONLY $47

The Body Rescue Kit

Available Instantly!

  • The Body Rescue Kit - The 8 Essential Movement Sequences (Listed On This Page)
  • Full Access To The Online Portal

"I can't tell you what a big difference I have seen in my body after a relatively short time. I feel stronger, particularly in my core, am leaner, more flexible, and generally feel much better than before. I suspect all of this will also help with injury prevention in the long run, which is important to me as I've been out of action in the past and am keen to avoid this in the future."

- Sophie

The Body Rescue Programme is A Simple, Actionable, Effective and Sustainable Way To Keep Your Body Strong And Pain Free, And your Mindset Resilient and Positive During This Uncertain Time.

Save Your Spot Today!

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Are You Ready To Support Yourself In This Simple And Powerful Way? Just Click The Button To Get Started Today.

One Time Payment of ONLY $47

The Body Rescue Kit

Available Instantly!

  • The Body Rescue Kit - The 8 Essential Movement Sequences (Listed On This Page)
  • Full Access To The Online Portal