Here's a sample of the kind of results that you can expect when you work with me

"This is a great Go-To place either when all conventional approaches have been tried, OR when a problem first turns up, as it may well get resolved here without medical intervention. Complex issues are dealt with very professionally but in a fun, relaxed way, and on a completely personalised basis. Johdi will take endless trouble to find the right solutions for you as an individual. Don't hesitate - I'm glad I didn't!"


"Johdi can help in so many aspect of your life - we worked together on movement, nutrition, emotion, logistics, it was like having a personal trainer, a personal meal planner, a therapist and a personal assistant all in one. She catered movement sessions to my postpartum body, wracked after four kids; she worked with and around my picky eating habits to help create healthier ones; she guided me through meditations and talked me through past issues on a range of issues, from family to sex; and she helped me optimize my daily schedule to best reflect what was important to me and my values! She even optimized my walk, which was awesome!"


"I came to Johdi to help me with my stiff back and shoulder, and to regain some flexibility that I’d lost in my pelvis. But, Johdi’s ability to create trust without any effort and her straight forward attitude means that she’s also been able to help me with other areas of my life that I’ve been struggling with. She's great, full of positive attitude, and she gets right into the pain points - both mentally and physically! You feel confident that she'll help you find a path through whatever it is with a myriad of tools to fall back on. There's also no obvious comparison to anyone else as her attention is all on you and getting you set up for life with a tailor-made toolkit for your unique circumstances!"


"If you're ready to experience a serious body and mind revamp, Johdi is your woman! After getting seriously frustrated with a pain in my leg that noone seemed to know how to help me with, Johdi and her toolbox full of tricks & suggestions, helped me to finally feel that I was in the right place! Now, I'm able to build on my gains and I'm continuing to work with Johdi in realigning my body to get to a place where I feel strong and mobile. So if you too are ready to experience the relief of knowing that you'll never EVER again have to live with mysterious pain, and all that emotional upheaval that comes with that, don't think twice, hire Johdi, she's flexible, knowledgeable, understanding and fun. You won't regret it!"


"I have had issues with my back, shoulder and posture for years, without anyone really getting to the root of the problems - until I met Johdi! Johdi has sorted out these issues and she has set me up with a set of tailored exercise/movement programs and tools so I know what issues and areas to continue working on moving forward. She is very passionate, positive, energetic, engaged, motivating and overall fun to work with and she works wonders! "


"Before working with Johdi, I struggled with my weight and controlling what I was eating, the constant aches and pains in my body, as well as my inability to just put a weekly routine in place and then stick to it, were also really frustrating me! Since working with Johdi for 3 months, I have lost 7kgs, my body feels much less painful, and I’m much happier in myself. The holistic approach toward body and mind together with the ability to listen, and focus on what is really bothering you, are the key to success when working with Johdi. She will definitely bring you where you want to be!"


"Johdi takes the time to listen to your problems and she looks at you as a whole not just where the pain is. She takes her time to work through it all with you. For the first time in 6 years I am having a lot of positive changes and I am sure that it will go on like this until everything has been resolved. She is a ball of energy with a positive outlook on life in general."


"I found myself in a very difficult situation at the end of last year here in London. I was anxious, burnout, and exhausted from the constant pressure at work. My body decided enough was enough. I could no longer move my left arm, not even to wave to the friendly neighbour and my hip had a constant niggling pain. This all had a knock-on effect on my sleep, weight, energy, and just not feeling my happy-go-lucky self anymore. I was kind of like a lost walking zombie. I contacted Johdi, and she listened to my worries and swiftly put together an easily achievable movement and eating plan to get this rickety body back on track. Not only that, Johdi provided me with an abundance of tools and resources that eased my anxiety and gave me hope. Thank you Johdi for being such a wonderful friend who has supported me, really listens to me, challenged me when I needed it, coached me out of this situation and always been there every step of the way."


" I became more aware of my body and what I needed to do in my everyday life. I’m now aware of my unique problem areas so I know what to work on – and I’m definitely feeling the benefits. Johdi is certainly passionate about keeping herself in the best shape possible through movement and diet as well as keeping mentally positive, and is passionate for others to do the same. And she makes it fun – unheard of!!!!!!!!!!!!"


"I remember thinking finally I met someone that's knows what they're talking about! I would say if you want results, Johdi's the person."


"Johdi has an excellent knowledge of the workings of the human being and a most intuitive sense of what may or may not be quite right. She appreciates that not all bodies adhere to the Master Plan and has a remarkable ability to adapt a textbook treatment to the individual. Not everyone can manage such tailor-made care"


"Before working with Johdi, I was frustrated and felt like there was no solution to my problem. Now, I trust myself, I know I can't push through the pain and fatigue. I see how everything works together."


"Johdi made me feel at ease from the start. She took the time to understand the causes of my pain and mobility issues and gave me tailored movements. I have really seen a difference, with a huge decrease in back pain and a massive increase in mobility."


"Johdi understands each problem and takes time to find out where it is stemming from so that you can manage and/or correct wrong postures and habits. She is very professional and approachable, and her sparkling personality makes it easy for anyone to work with her"


"Before working with Johdi, Life seemed chaotic and a little out of control (more than usual). I was struggling with Menopause, a toddler, and was extremely dissatisfied with the way I looked and felt physically and mentally. Over time I had tried a number of things in an attempt to resolve these issues but hit a wall. It was time to try something new and to rethink how I was approaching things. From day one, Johdi puts you at ease so much so that you can be completely honest. There is no BS and you can be open about what you will and won’t try. Johdi is quietly persuasive and it encouraged me to step outside of my comfort zone. Having a wealth of experience with my situation Johdi offered support, advice and practical help in a non-patronising and fun way. Johdi’s expertise was phenomenal and just from observing me on Zoom could immediately identify potential hot spots with my body (and mind) which could then be worked on in a methodical and practical way. I enjoyed being able to be myself and seeing how the support had a positive effect. The hub is extremely useful and tailored to your individual needs. I also enjoyed the fact that Johdi checked in regularly and was always there to provide support at any time. Now, as a result, I feel more in control and positive about my situation and have made significant progress. I am armed with a number of ideas and tools to enable me to progress even further and I feel much more positive than I did at the start of the process. I would encourage anyone to work with Johdi, especially if you feel like you have exhausted all other avenues. I have been persuaded to step outside of my comfort zone and in many ways it has been positive for me. Having said that, Johdi has absolute empathy and will work with you to fully support your personal journey. "


"Before working with Johdi I was moving like a 90 year-old! That's to say, I wasn't moving hardly at all, as I was so scared that my back would block and leave me handicapped for days on end, that I was afraid to bend down to get things off the floor, afraid to lift anything or twist in any way. What I didn't realise is that it was this lack of movement that was actually the problem! But I'd had so many unsuccessful attempts to heal my back pain in the past, that I'd basically given up on ever getting better, and had decided, almost subconsciously, to simply stop doing any and all movements that I feared might hurt my back. Not only did Johdi heal my back pain with her magic techniques, but she also encouraged me to move safely again. She really brought me back my confidence in my body's ability to bend, twist and even walk like it's supposed to. It wasn't easy, but Johdi's motivation and enthusiasm were infectious and she helped me to feel safe to explore new ways of moving again. And I feel so much better! After years of pain and failed attempts to get out of pain, I'm now feeling no pain, am doing activities that I thought I would never do again, like walking on snow, and I feel younger, more mobile, and hopeful about my ability to keep things this way, thanks to what Johdi's taught me. "


"Before working with Johdi, I was experiencing increasing aches and pains in my knees, ankles, and back and a general feeling of a body aging faster than I want it to. Johdi helped me to understand how the various parts of the body are connected and how pain in one area may actually be coming from a problem in another area. Johdi also showed me how to increase the amount of vegetables I eat and how to eat in a way that makes me feel healthy and more energetic. What I loved most was the personal and open way that Johdi encouraged me to open up about my feelings. I always felt safe to share my thoughts and feelings. I really appreciated that you looked at the whole person (physical and mental) and not just at an isolated problem that needed to be fixed. Overall, I would say that I am now healthier and have more energy. I have a better understanding of the need to exercise regularly and in a way that is appropriate for me. I have a toolbox of resources to help me with specific exercise programmes that address what I actually need. The more you share with Johdi and the more you think about and around any issues you have, the more you will get out of the programme. We all have the answers to our issues within us and Johdi can help you to find these answers. "


"I have seen physiotherapists and osteotherapists in the past. They were able to help me with certain things but it was very generalized and while I felt sometimes better at the moment, I never felt like the issue was addressed in its entirety. I was ultimately told by two surgeons that I would need joint replacement surgery and I reached out to Johdi in the hope that I could delay/avoid this. Johdi helped because she looked at my body as a whole, trying to find a cause for the pain and also long-term solutions. She also helped me to become much more aware of my body and of different and more effective ways to take care of it. Johdi motivated me to move more, eat better, relax, and (try) to enjoy meditation and to better understand the process of menopause. Each session was a lot of fun. I enjoyed our discussions and also that they were about so much more than just the pain I was feeling. We talked about walking, breathing, diet, movement, menopause, mental health, and many other things and how to put it all together so that I feel as good as possible now and for the decades to come. I also enjoyed all of the recommendations that Johdi gave me for books, podcasts, resources, etc. I think that doing the 6-week Liven Up course at the same time was also extremely helpful in putting it all together. Now, I feel better :-) Less pain and more aware of how to address pain when I do feel it. I also feel like I have the resources and motivation to live my best life. I would recommend working with Johdi. It is a unique and holistic way to look at pain and it is much more than a weekly hour-long appointment. I learned so much in the four months we worked together. Johdi shared information and resources and while my body feels better, I also feel that I have tools to help me thrive for the rest of my life. "


"Before working with Johdi, I had been suffering from a tennis elbow for about a year. I had done ergotherapy and worn elbow braces which had relieved the pain but not fully removed the issue and the pain had come back after exercising. I was not in constant pain but certain movements and activities hurt and I felt I should avoid any weight-bearing activities including my beloved yoga to not worsen the elbow. Johdi helped because she made me realise how I move and use my body and which movement patterns/postures are not healthy. Johdi helped me to strengthen weak parts and reactivate muscles I was not using properly. And eventually, it made the elbow pain go away. Yeah!! What I enjoyed the most was working with Johdi and doing the exercises and movement corrections she gave me made me more self-aware of my body and how I had slipped into weird body postures/movements which were causing problems elsewhere in my body. I like her holistic approach and the fact that she has plenty of tutorials/videos to use to strengthen and stretch different parts of your body. Also, she makes me laugh and sessions with her were always fun, even despite her endless sadistic hunt for the most painful spot. Now, I feel muuuuuch better - elbow pain is gone and so far has not come back, even after weight-bearing activities or other weird movements like window cleaning. I can hold plank positions again without feeling my elbow and I feel I can rely on my right arm again. I still feel a bit of a difference between left and right but it is much more balanced now and the pain is a thing of the past. Yeah. I also feel that I understand my body better and am better equipped to realise when I slip into bad postures and self-correct. If you’re thinking about working with Johdi, You need to be ready to invest both time and money. You need to be open and willing to trust the process, look at your body holistically, and to start off with exercises that might seem very far away from your actual problem. Don't be shy of bringing up any question or concern, even if you think it's unrelated to the original problem you came in with. "


"On a fateful night in Oct 2020, I had a serious fall at an indoor climbing facility. I broke several bones in my ankle: tibia, fibula lateral and medial malleolus. I had surgery and was fitted with two metal plates and several pins (twenty-two in total). I had four months of intensive physio (twice a week) to learn how to walk! After the green light from the surgeon that I can start to jog I felt that I need to work on my core as I felt that I am weak and unbalanced. I did not experience any particular pain but I know from past experience that after trauma the body isn’t the same and needs to be re-balanced again otherwise it will end up having more injuries. I also read that injuries in the limbs will lead to more injuries if the core is not strong enough and fairly balanced. Johdi identified the issues ie which muscle or tendon or nerves were weak and how to strengthen them with no brain movement and few repetitions (5 to start with). I have been given very easy ways to test my balance to see whether I am on the right track etc.. I learned (or relearned) how to walk! I received very strong moral support! Everything, every movement was targeted to address specific issues and they are all no brainer sort of thing! I have to sometimes refrain myself from overdoing some movements! In addition to the ease of the movements I have to do, most importantly I was listened to and I was provided with adequate solutions and support. Some extremely helpful mental tips were also part of the package! I now feel much better than when I came in at the start. There are a couple of movements that I could not do which I can now do with ease and grace (and a smile). Whenever I feel the need, I just get back to the videos, links and numerous tips to get on my feet! Working with Johdi is an investment for your health (physically and mentally) and really worth it! It is different from the usual/typical no pain no gain type of thing that we are so used to. Expect to work differently but efficiently. Consistency/regularity in the programme is key! "


"I‘ve been in pain for over 20 years and I‘ve tried all sorts of therapies. With little or no result. With Johdi‘s unique approach, I‘ve been able to reduce the pain significantly. Now I can go for hikes again, I dance again and I go swimming three times a week. All of this has not been possible before. We keep on working together and I am looking forward to having no pain at all. If one can bring me there, then it‘s Johdi. Thanks Johdi, for all your work and for showing me what my body is still capable of."


"I was experiencing an accumulation of feeling misaligned, out of balance, higher frequency of migraines, and a wonky foot and bunion!

Johdi identified and corrected a number of misalignments that have rebalanced my body and energy with the right targeted questions, a set of very specific diagnostic tests, a warped sense of humour which made our sessions a giggle and most enjoyable, and a targeted gradual process of treatment and elimination of issues from head to toe, with homework exercises in between sessions.

I particularly liked Johdi's brilliant fast-working mind; her cries of joy when we identified a pain point or an 'aha' moment; and her genuine concern and care including in between sessions, when she would check in via Whatsapp to see how I was doing or if there were any consequences to the treatment.

Johdi rectified a number of issues stemming back to the consequences of a car crash 30 years ago, and bad posture due to working on a computer all day. As a result, my neck and posture have improved, and I no longer ache or feel hunched on a daily basis. My foot feels reconnected and Johdi gave me homework sessions to continue working on resolving the bunion issue myself.

Before working with Johdi, I had two concerns: 1. The cost - Johdi's services are not cheap. Consider this an investment in your wellbeing. I have tried all sorts of different therapies and medicine recommended and covered by health insurance, but none have worked. So you get what you pay for. Just remember: "Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten". 2. Johdi's scientific terminology and the diagnostic exercises she does is interesting. Personal quote "This sh#t is weird!" You might think "How is me lifting my arm this way and resisting her hand going to resolve anything"? But it does work - so go with it! I have recommended Johdi's services to a number of friends and colleagues who have longstanding (or even recently identified) issues with their back, or pelvic floor muscles, or an injury. Like me, you may have tried a number of other options, but you will not have found someone who actually cares about finding the cause, rather than a quick-fix solution. Johdi cares, so put yourself, literally, in her hands."


"With lots of clever insights Johdi managed to untangle some knots I had no idea were there, and gave me exercises that matched my abilities.

With PEM (Post exertion malaise), before I would always get ill when trying to do minimal exercise. Johdi knew exactly how to give me what I needed, but no more.

What I enjoyed the most is being able to move again, and feel my body. I still think of myself as athletic, even though that probably ended at 15 yrs old. I was able to connect back to that sense of being able to move, and feel my strength and flexibility building.

I feel a lot more alive now compared to before. I do regular paddle boarding and aerial yoga now, alongside occasional mini runs while walking my dog on good days. I can see the trajectory going up, which was completely absent for a long time.

If you're thinking of working with Johdi, do it! She is a lot of fun, but also very good at what she does. You'll thank yourself later! "


To get a taste of how I work, and how I can help you book in a Personalised Pain Assessment. This is a complete physical analysis that is a powerful way to see and feel for yourself where your body is now versus where it should be, and, with my help, how you can bridge that gap.


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